A multi-generational family trip is a wonderful way to bring loved ones together and make meaningful memories. Each trip is special – so why don’t more people plan them? The truth is that multi-generational trips can take a little extra planning, which is intimidating for some people. The extra planning is worth the rewards!

Before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to make sure that multi-generational travel is right for you. How well do you get along with your extended family? If the thought of bringing together a large group of family members stresses you out, then you may want to plan a trip that specifically caters to immediate family. If you are looking to spend more time with your extended family, then multi-generational travel is an awesome way to do so! Multi-generational travel maximizes bonding time for family members who don’t get to see each other very often. Looking to help the kids make lasting memories with grandparents who live across the country? Plan a multi-generational trip to South America! You’ll go home feeling closer than ever!

Ready to start planning? Here are our top 3 tips to help you get started!

1. Give yourself plenty of time to plan and schedule the trip

Advanced planning is key when it comes to successful multi-generational trips. The larger your group is, the more time you’ll need. For instance, family reunions, which are notoriously big, may necessitate more than a year to plan.

Starting your planning well in advance will also make picking a date for your trip less stressful, as it gives everyone involved plenty of time to figure out their schedules. Early planning is also essential if you are booking stays in small or boutique hotels or if your excursions may require extra guides

2. Pick a person to take charge of the planning process

Collaboration is important to the trip planning process, but there is such a thing as having too many cooks in the kitchen! It is much easier to manage key tasks such as making bookings, dividing costs, and scheduling when there is a designated trip leader. Pick someone who has travel experience and who doesn’t mind responsibility to take charge of the planning process.

3. Divide the work

After you’ve selected a trip leader to manage the scheduling, help them take the travel planning to the next level. An expert can help plan the perfect trip and Southern Explorations can handle anything that you need. Let us know what your family likes to do and everyone’s ability level and we will take care of the rest, crafting a custom trip that meets your needs. Our specialty is customizing group trips. We make multi-generational trips a breeze!

Be honest about your budget. Consider your limitations. Set boundaries and allow for space so you don’t get too tired of your travel companions. Keeping all of these things in mind will help you make the most of your multi-generational trip.

Now, the fun part. Let’s talk about destinations!

At Southern Explorations, we offer incredible trips to fabulous locations that will suit all manner of multi-generational groups!

We recommend:

Costa Rica Family Adventure

Our Costa Rica Family Adventure is an ideal trip to take if your group includes kids. This trip is active but not challenging, so you’ll be able to explore without worrying! The exotic animals you’ll encounter are a unique delight that the entire family will love. Zipline lush landscapes, explore waterfalls, and immerse yourself in local culture. All it takes to get there is a quick plane ride!

Ecuador & Galapagos Family Adventure

Our Ecuador trip also caters specifically to families. This adventurous tour will keep you busy with wildlife experiences, beach time, and volcanic hikes. Roam the equator with visits to the enchanting coastlines of the Galapagos Islands, the otherworldly green cloud forests of the Andes, and the historic Old Town in Colonial Quito. This is an amazing, multi-generation-oriented trip!

Amazon & Machu Picchu

Our Peru tour is scenic and immersive! Peru is one of the most interesting and exciting destinations in South America. Part of Peru’s magic comes from its unique history and culture. The stunning scenery adds another layer of intrigue! The colors, wildlife, and massive stone structure are a treat for visitors of all ages. Cusco’s elevation provides a challenge, but with our expert itinerary, you’ll have plenty of time for proper acclimatization. We can always add extra days for further acclimatization if someone has concerns!

Classic Patagonia & Torres del Paine

Our trip through Classic Patagonia & Torres del Paine is our most popular trip in Southern Patagonia. It is a favorite of adult families, so if you’re planning to travel with grown up kids, then this may be the perfect trip for you! Our lodges in Torres del Paine offer 8-12 activities a day, so you’ll stay busy! Activities range in difficulty, giving visitors opportunities to split up according to their needs. If you’re part of a particularly active family, then you should plan to hike El Chalten!

Although multi-generational trips can take a little bit of extra planning, the extra work pays off tremendously! What are you waiting for?! Let’s get to planning! Give us a call at 1.877.784.5400 or email info@southernexplorations.com

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