Plan Your Peru Trip


Peru is undeniably one of Latin America’s most iconic destinations. The numerous civilizations that have called Peru home for thousands of years have left alluring remnants to delve into, while the seemingly endless fiestas, delightful handicrafts, and delectable cuisine make it one of the most well-rounded destinations on Earth.

  • Four women sit on a stone bench, dressed in traditional, colorful Andean clothing. They wear intricately embroidered skirts, shawls, and yellow hats, each holding small, white furry animals. The backdrop features a cobblestone street with stone walls.
  • A stone pathway winds along the edge of a hill, overlooking a large blue lake. Terraced fields and trees are visible to the left of the pathway, and distant mountains can be seen across the water under a partly cloudy sky.
  • A scenic view of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu located in the Andes mountains of Peru. Stone terraces and structures stand against a backdrop of a prominent mountain peak and misty clouds. The foreground features green grass and stone walls.
  • A close-up of a wet brown llama with shaggy fur and expressive eyes, looking off to the side against a blurred outdoor background.
Aerial view of the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu. Stone terraces cascade down the mountain, with lush green vegetation surrounding the historic stone structures. The mountains and dense forest encase the ruins, highlighting the remote location.

We have never traveled using a travel company before but felt it would be a good idea going to Peru. So glad we did! This was the best trip of our lives! Southern Explorations uses very knowledgeable, friendly, and patient guides. We had to change our itinerary while on the trip and the company handled everything perfectly. I highly recommend them to anyone traveling out of the country.

– BLaurie Key, Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca

Planning Tips

Top Tips for Planning a Peru Trip

Our team of seasoned travel planners is here to guide you through the Peru trip planning process. A few of our top planning tips can be found here, but don’t hesitate to call for more detailed information. 

When to Go

April through October is the dry season and best time to travel, although trips can be enjoyed year-round.

When to Book

Booking 6 to 9 months in advance is recommended. Consider booking 1 year in advance for any holidays.

Getting started

Let us match you up with the perfect itinerary. Think about your interests, budget and preferred travel dates then give us a call! We can take care of the rest.

Incan Trails  

There is one Classic Inca Trail, which finishes in the Machu Picchu sanctuary. But don’t miss out on the off-the-beaten-path treks like Salkantay and Choquequirao.

Are we really experts?  

Our passionate travel planners have years of first-hand experience traveling and coordinating tours. When you work with us you’re gaining the expertise of thousands of individual trips over the years.

Map icon showing a marker pointing down on a mock-map.

Key Cities related to your Peru trip

These are the cities and towns you may visit on your Peru trip.


Peru’s capital city on the Pacific coast, renowned for its rich history, colonial architecture, diverse cuisine, and vibrant arts scene.  

This Inca capital, high in the Andes, is known for stunning architecture, impressive archaeological sights like Sacsayhuaman, and is the gateway to Machu Picchu.

This well preserved Incan town boasts impressive ruins, cobbled streets, and gorgeous mountain views. This town is a great base to explore the Sacred Valley and access the train to Machu Picchu.

This town at the base of Machu Picchu exists primarily to provide accommodation, dining, and transportation services for tourists visiting this world-renowned archaeological site.

Puno is the main city in which to explore the stunning Lake Titicaca, famous for its floating Uros Islands, traditional culture, and vibrant festivals.

Known as the “White City” due to its architecture, Arequipa boasts stunning colonial and neoclassical architecture, including the Santa Catalina Monastery.

This town is the main jumping off point for tours to Colca Canyon, one of the world’s deepest canyons.

This Amazon gateway city is where you fly to access the incredible jungle lodges of the Tambopata National Reserve, located in Southern Peru.

Located in Northern Peru, Iquitos is the point of entry for passengers on Peruvian Amazon cruise trips.

A coastal town on the Pacific ocean that serves as the jumping off port to explore the marine wildlife of Ballestas Islands and the geoglyphs of Paracas National Reserve.

Visitors to the Nazca Lines stay in Ica, home to the Regional Museum of Ica which houses a collection of artifacts, including pottery, textiles, and mummies, representing the pre-Columbian cultures of the region.

The Moche Temples of the Sun and Moon, located near Trujillo, are pre-Colombian archaeological wonders. They belong to the Moche civilization, which thrived in northern Peru and predated the Inca Empire.

Idyllic beach town in Northern Peru known for consistent surf, sunsets, and a laid-back atmosphere, perfect for relaxation and water sports.

Drawing of a red sign post with three directional arrows.

Top Places to Visit in Peru

Top Places to Visit in Peru

Peru’s iconic attractions include Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca, Nazca Lines, and the Amazon Rainforest to name a few. Explore Incan and pre-Columbian heritage, indigenous cultures, vibrant cities, and breathtaking natural wonders in an unforgettable Peruvian adventure.

  • Machu Picchu
    The world-famous Inca citadel nestled in the Peruvian Andes is a UNESCO World Heritage site and iconic archaeological marvel. Altitude: approximately 7970 feet above sea level.
  • The Sacred Valley
    This impressive area falls between Cusco and Machu Picchu. It offers stunning landscapes, Inca ruins, vibrant markets, adventure sport activities, and cultural immersion in the heart of the Andes.
  • Peruvian Amazon
    Pristine rainforests, rich biodiversity, indigenous cultures, and adventurous exploration make Peru’s ecological paradise a must see.
  • Miraflores & El Barranco, Lima
    These neighborhoods in Lima offer art and culture, interesting museums and architecture, and world class dining. The culinary scene here will have your tastebuds buzzing!
  • Nazca Lines
    Enormous geoglyphs etched into the Nazca Desert, visible from scenic flights, revealing mysterious ancient designs, animals, and symbols.
  • Ballestas Islands
    A group of rocky isles off Peru’s coast, teeming with wildlife, including sea lions, penguins, and diverse seabirds and accessible by boat tour.
  • Lake Titicaca
    The world’s highest navigable lake offers stunning scenery and unique attractions like the floating islands of Uros and Taquille, which showcase indigenous culture and traditional customs.
  • Incan Ruins & Archaeological Sites
    From the Moche in the north, the Nazca in the south, and the Incas in the Andes, Peru is chock full of captivating ruins that leave behind awe-inspiring historical and archaeological legacies.
  • Inca Trails
    The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is a bucket list dream! But did you know there are other Inca Trails covering hundreds of miles? Consider the less traveled Alternative Inca Trail, Choquequirao, and Salkantay by tent or lodge!
  • Colca Canyon
    A captivating natural wonder, this 62 mile canyon is 11 miles wide at its widest, offers breathtaking scenery, terraced agriculture, and the chance to witness majestic Andean condors in flight.

Weather in Peru

Peru is a diverse country. With beaches, mountains, rainforest and desert, there is no off-season. But it does pay to know a bit about where you’re going, and what you’ll need on your Peru tour:

The Andes – Though officially part of the dry season, April and May are considered the Andean spring, while June through October marks the Andean summer. Mid-day temperatures range from 70° to 80° F in the sun. Nighttime temperatures in Cusco range in the 40s F and can dip into the 30s F. Weather is usually clear in the morning with clouds accumulating in the afternoon. Rain can happen in any season, so quality rain gear is essential.

The Amazon – A rainforest environment, the Peruvian Amazon has varied weather conditions and frequent unpredictable rain showers. It is generally hot and humid during the day with more comfortable temperatures through the night. Daytime high temperatures average between 82° and 93° F, and the average nighttime low is between 62° and 73°. Nevertheless, in some areas cold fronts can sweep into the Amazon and push daytime high temperatures down to 50° F and nighttime lows to 43° F. Any time of year, one should always be prepared for cooler temperatures and rain showers. Around 80% of the annual average 79 inches of rainfall occurs during the rainy season (December through March) when heavy rain may continue for hours or days.

LIMAMin-Max Air Temp (ºF)Avg Rainfall (inches)
CUSCOMin-Max Air Temp (ºF)Avg Rainfall (inches)
PUNOMin-Max Air Temp (ºF)Avg Rainfall (inches)
PUERTO MALDONADOMin-Max Air Temp (ºF)Avg Rainfall (inches)

Planning My Trip

Top questions when planning a trip to Peru.


Peru is a popular destination and space at the most desirable hotels fills up quickly. As a rule, the further in advance you can plan, the more options you will have. We recommend planning at least six to nine months in advance throughout the year, and a year ahead of time for anything over the Christmas holiday season. Additionally, many Peru activities, including Machu Picchu entrance tickets, require permits that sell out.

We offer trips as short as 5 days, but recommend 7 days to adequately explore the Andean highlands (Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu). If you wish to visit more than one region, we recommend traveling for at least 12 days.

Many travelers like to visit Peru between the months of April and October, when the chances of rain are much lower. Avoid the height of summer (June through August) and the Christmas holiday season for smaller crowds and the best selection of accommodations. There are advantages of traveling in the off season.

We offer a variety of pre-planned tours online that have been carefully crafted with years of experience, but these can also be considered a starting point for your perfect trip. We suggest taking a look at our posted tours then contacting us with your budget, timeframe, and personal interests so we can make suggestions and tailor a trip to your needs.

Yes! We are happy to modify any tour to meet your needs and also add pre and post-tour extensions. If you sign up for a group departure we cannot change the group portion, but we can add extensions before and after.

Southern Explorations’ trips are generally private for you and your group, although some areas (all-inclusive lodge stays and cruises, for example) may require that we form groups with other Southern Explorations travelers.

The most traveled section of Peru, where Cusco and Machu Picchu are located, has a dry season (April – October) and a rainy season (November – March) with daytime temperatures in the 60s and 70s and lows in the 40s. Rainfall and temperatures vary in other regions depending on season and elevation.

Our trips vary in level of activity, so the requirements differ based on itinerary. It’s important to keep in mind that much of Peru is at or above 8000’ above sea level which can add some difficulty to the activities. Please check our physical ratings for each itinerary to see what may be required of you when assessing your ability to enjoy a trip. If you have any specific questions, please contact your travel planner. We have personal experience with these activities and can help you decide whether a trip is right for you.

A typical day in Peru will vary from tour to tour, but generally you can expect to start your excursions right after breakfast with a full day of scheduled activities or sightseeing. Contact your travel planner to discuss the specifics of your tour.

We primarily work with 4-star hotels in Peru and the occasional 3-star property, provided they meet our standards. We also work with several amazing 5-star properties. All of our hotels are clean, comfortable, well-located, offer en suite bathrooms and have been personally vetted by a Southern Explorations staff member.

The guides on all of our tours are experienced, fluent in English and hold a degree in a related field. The guides are experienced in the outdoors and trained in basic first aid. We tend to use the same guides as they are accustomed to the trips we offer and understand the Southern Explorations commitment to quality.

We will confirm all airfare within South America and this price will be listed separately from our base tour costs. You are responsible for booking international flights to/from Peru.

Breakfast is included every day and is served at your hotel. Lunch is included on most full day excursions and some dinners are also included, depending on the itinerary you choose. You’ll receive recommended restaurants for each city so that if your trip includes some dinners on your own, you’ll know where to go.

Our trips include most expenses. We do not include tips (guides, drivers, cruise/hotel staff), travel insurance, international flights, or other trip incidentals and personal equipment. There are occasional entrance fees that cannot be prepaid, but most are included in your trip costs and any exceptions will be clearly detailed.
The number of meals included vary by trip; you can tell which meals are included by looking for a B, L, or D at the end of each day’s description. This will indicate if (B)reakfast, (L)unch, and/or (D)inner is included.
Every trip is different, and each itinerary we send you, from initial trip proposals to your final confirmed itinerary, contains a detailed list of inclusions and exclusions. We also provide detailed tipping guides for all our confirmed travelers.

Our full terms and conditions can be found on this page just above these FAQs.

Peru is safe for travel. However, travelers should take the same precautions that they would while traveling elsewhere, particularly in large cities like Lima, to protect themselves from petty theft. Listen to the advice of your guide and hotel reception staff and take common sense precautions such as not going into unfamiliar areas alone, especially at night. Use the safety deposit box at your hotel for your passport and extra money (carry only as much as you might spend) and leave jewelry and expensive watches at home.  

Preparing for my Trip

Top questions as you get ready for your Peru trip.


Check your email for your payment confirmation and a link to access our online trip portal. Final payment due date is in your confirmation email, and we’ll send you a reminder later. Now is a good time to check into travel insurance!

Yes, travel insurance is highly recommended. There are a plethora of insurance providers but we recommend contacting Travelex Insurance Services or Travel Guard or using SquareMouth to compare other travel insurance websites.

If your plans are set and flights are available to purchase, then go ahead and book them! Some people like to watch fare trends before purchasing. Airlines post flight schedules about 10-12 months in advance, so for travelers booking trips over a year in advance, you’ll have to wait. It is relatively easy to find flights to our Latin American destinations, so unless you are traveling over the holidays or very last minute, don’t stress about finding flights!

After booking you will receive a link to our online trip portal, which includes all of the need-to-know information specific to your itinerary. This includes packing lists, restaurant recommendations, tipping guides, FAQs, electrical plugs and voltage, vaccine recommendations and money matters. Your travel planner will also be a great resource for any other information you may need.

Yes! We are happy to modify any tour to meet your needs and also add pre and post-tour extensions.

You can find more information about packing in the online trip portal. We have packing lists, footwear details, and things to consider. Review your final trip details that we send a couple of weeks prior to departure for luggage limitations and restrictions specific for your trip.

Typically flights have a 50 pound weight limit for checked luggage, depending on the airline. Your travel planner will provide more details based on your specific itinerary.

Yes! Please notify us in advance if you are celiac, gluten free, dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian, keep kosher, or have other dietary needs. If you have picky eaters in your group, the more information you provide us the better we can accommodate them. In the online trip portal, you will see a place to indicate allergies and dietary needs.

Check the online trip portal for the most up to date information regarding traveler health and immunization recommendations.

About two weeks before you depart, we will email your final trip details that will have all of the pertinent information you need for your trip. Generally, our trips do not require any physical vouchers or documents. Some trips may have informational documents which we will include in your final trip details.

On my Trip

Top questions related to your day-to-day activities while in Peru.


Upon arrival in Peru you will meet your guide just outside of customs for the transfer to your hotel. Specific instructions will be included in your final itinerary.

Two weeks before departure, you’ll receive your final trip details. Each evening, your guide will reconfirm the next morning’s pickup time and plan, and will provide you with special instructions if needed. When in doubt, ask your guide.

Your guide’s primary goal is to keep you safe and make sure you have fun. If you have a scheduled activity but you’re not feeling up to it please discuss options with your guide right away. There are usually many alternative options available and the guides have the ability to make changes on the fly. This may be more difficult if you happen to be on a group excursion but the guides want you to have a great day and work very hard to make that happen, so just let them know how you’re feeling!

You can expect Wi-Fi access at most hotels. When in remote areas, Wi-Fi may be unreliable or unavailable. Cell phone service depends on your cellular provider and coverage plan. We recommend that our travelers be ready to disconnect when heading to remote destinations. You are, after all, on vacation!

The hotels we work with will generally offer laundry service for an additional charge. If your itinerary includes several days in the same city, you may find it more economical to have your laundry done at a local lavanderia which will charge by the kilo.

Review the money section in the online trip portal for details on local currency, ATMs, tipping guides, and local expenses and incidentals. When in doubt, ask your guide.

To ensure the safety of our travelers, our guides are linked with outside services 24 hours a day in all locations to provide assistance when necessary. Our guides are experienced and well trained in dealing with emergencies. Because of the remote locations included on our itineraries, we recommend obtaining medical or travel insurance that includes emergency evacuation and medical coverage. A few weeks prior to departure we will provide you with our 24-hour emergency line number.

All of our confirmed travelers will receive a list of emergency contact numbers before departure, including a 24-hour emergency line. If your international flight is delayed please call this number so we can make the necessary arrangements and keep your trip running smoothly. Once on your trip and in contact with your local guide, please refer to them first for any issue you may have then contact the head office if you need additional assistance.


Review our terms & conditions including our cancellation policy.

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Terms & Conditions

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Cancellation Policy

Review the Southern Explorations’ cancellation policy.

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+1 877-784-5400



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