Trip Extension Overview

Multisport trips are exciting because the variety of activities allow you to try a little bit of everything. When the trip is set in Ecuador, you get the added benefit of a range of ecosystems. The result is an incredibly diverse and awe-inspiring adventure trip through the Andes and Amazon region of this small but mighty Latin American country. During this adventure trip through Ecuador, you’ll visit national parks, observe diverse wildlife at close range, take in breathtaking vistas from extraordinary viewpoints. Ecuador is more than just nature, it presents an opportunity to learn about culture and indigenous life. You’ll stay in small private hotels, distinctive lodges and historic haciendas that showcase Ecuador’s rich history and culture. In addition to cultural experiences, enjoy mountain biking, horseback riding, hiking, and whitewater rafting on this expertly guided trip some of Ecuador’s most fascinating regions. The best part is that this tour is completely customizable!

Trip Features
  • 5 Days
  • $2,295
    Hiking, Whitewater Rafting, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding
    Cotopaxi National Park, Papallacta Hot Springs, Local Markets, Andean Haciendas, Amazon Rainforest, Equator

Customize Your Tour


Trip Extension Itinerary

Mountains & Jungles of Ecuador

The ultimate Ecuador adventure tour with mountain biking, horseback riding, hiking, hot springs, and whitewater rafting in five days.


In the morning, depart Quito by car heading south through the famed Avenue of the Volcanoes. If the skies are clear, you’ll see the peaks of several volcanoes throughout the scenic drive. Upon arrival, warm up with a short hike around the Limpiopungo Glacier Lake at the base of Volcan Ruminahui, which is home to a wealth of highland water fowl, local gulls, ducks and falcons. This area offers a great opportunity to learn about the park’s highland paramo ecosystem. After your hike, begin an amazing mountain bike ride through the park from this same glacier lake. Travel across the high plains and around the south side of Cotopaxi. The ride is mostly downhill  with some flat stretches and a few short, easy climbs. As you ride across the paramo, keep an eye out for native wildlife and take in amazing views of Cotopaxi’s massive, glaciated cone looming above.  End the ride at the Pucara Inca ruins near the park’s south entrance. Here, learn more about the western hemisphere’s most powerful ancient civilization and their history in Ecuador. Enjoy your packed lunch from the park, as you sit back and enjoy the views. In the late afternoon, arrive at the hacienda where you spend the night. (B,L,D)

After breakfast, drive to the ancient farmlands of Hacienda Tilipulo, located in an inter-Andean valley surrounded by native vegetation and astounding views of the nearby volcanoes.  The horseback riding adventure begins with a departure towards the western cordillera bound to the highlands of Atapulo where you’ll observe small farmlands called chacras, adobe houses, llamas, sheep and other livestock. The indigenous way of life, the occasional view of volcanoes Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Illiniza, Chimborazo and Altar will accompany you throughout this journey along spectacular trails and country roads. After the horseback ride, drive through the Avenue of the Volcanoes to the Leito Valley with beautiful views of the Tungurahua Volcano. Next, hop on bikes for a scenic ride through the beautiful landscapes and charming small towns of the Patate River Gorge. In the afternoon, reach a cozy Andean hacienda. If time allows, hike to a beautiful waterfall. Relax and dine at the hacienda tonight. (B,L,D)

This morning’s drive takes you to the edge of Llanganates National Park, an area that extends from the high Andes down into the Amazon basin. Gaining altitude, you come upon one of the best views of the often fuming Tungurahua Volcano for the start of today’s scenic mountain bike descent. Beginning in the highland paramo, the picturesque route of wild orchids, waterfalls, high rock walls and deep canyons transitions into mountain cloud forest before becoming lowland rainforest. Ride through a dry basalt gorge, a hot spot for wild orchids, and the canyon widens and deepens as you reach the Pastaza River Gorge, which forms spectacular waterfalls. Stop to visit two of these waterfalls, Pailón del Diablo (Devil’s Cauldron) and Manto de la Novia (Bride’s Veil). Then continue the drive down into the Amazon Basin to reach Puyo, an Amazon frontier town where you learn about balsa, bamboo and ceramic products. Continue through the Amazon highway until you reach your Amazon Lodge.  If time allows, you’ll visit a Kichwa indigenous community to learn about their way of life, culture, traditions, and customs of the Amazon. Enjoy dinner at your jungle lodge and a peaceful evening surrounded by rainforest sounds. (B,L,D)

After breakfast at the lodge, you’ll drive into a part of Llanganates National Park that has been declared a Biosphere Zone by UNESCO. The water that collects here forms the Jatunyacu River, famed for its Class III and III+ rapids, big waves, fun holes and high volume of water, and considered the best one-day Ecuador whitewater rafting run. Before today’s adventure begins, walk to some naturally-formed swimming pools in the rain forest and have a safety briefing. Your rafting route of breathtaking landscapes, abundant birdlife and crystal clear water passes indigenous riverbank communities. In the afternoon, travel back into the Andes to reach the Papallacta Hotsprings Resort and Spa, nestled where the cloud forest meets the paramo. Spend the evening relaxing in the therapeutic alkaline-rich natural thermal waters of Papallacta followed by a restful night in your comfortable accommodations. (B,L,D)

This morning, visit the Quisato equatorial monument shaped like star of eight points, representing pre-colonial and Incan indigenous beliefs that 0º latitude was the center of time and measurement. Learn about Ecuador’s geographic position and how its location on the equator influences its many cultures, climates, and biological diversity. Spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the towns of Otavalo and Peguche, where Ecuador’s indigenous culture and heritage is visible in their famous markets full of colorful textiles, traditional handicrafts, and more. Spend time one-on-one with local weavers who share the secrets of their craft that have been passed down for generations, and experience an Andean Music workshop to hear the traditional instrumental and vocal sounds of the Andes. Return to Quito in the late afternoon. (B, L)

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