Trip Extension Overview

A nature lover’s paradise, Cotopaxi National Park is an ecological sanctuary of 88,920 acres, exhibiting the striking treeless vegetation of the Andean moorlands, or paramo. It is also home to the highest active volcano in the world. The scenery here is so unique, and we have suitable options for all fitness levels. Everyone can enjoy this magical place!

Trip Features
  • 1 Day
  • $170
    Cotopaxi National Park

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Trip Extension Itinerary

Cotopaxi National Park Day Tour

Awe-inspiring journey to Cotopaxi National Park, marvel at the Avenue of Volcanoes, and explore the paramo ecosystem.


A nature lover’s paradise, Cotopaxi National Park is an ecological sanctuary of 88,920 acres, exhibiting the striking treeless vegetation of the Andean moorlands, or paramo. It is also home to the highest active volcano in the world.  Your adventure begins with a fascinating drive south through the Avenue of Volcanoes, viewing the spectacular high plains that surround 19,347-foot Cotopaxi. Stop at Limpiopungo Glacier Lake, located at the base of  Rumiñahui Volcano. Limpiopungo is home to abundant highland waterfowl including gulls, ducks, and falcons, and throughout the day, you may also see llamas, wild horses, deer, and hares. You’ll learn about the endemic paramo landscape, the unique tropical tundra endemic to the high northern Andes. Your path continues to the foothills of Rumiñahui and past several other small lakes and rivers. As you hike, take in magnificent views of Cotopaxi’s massive, glaciated cone, looming over the high plain directly across from Rumiñahui. After the hike, enjoy a delicious lunch, followed by a visit the Pucara Inca ruins before returning to Quito in the late afternoon. (L)

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