Trip Extension Overview

This four day tour was designed to pack in hiking adventures, culture and pure relaxation. Challenge yourself with two big hiking days! First, trek through the fascinating Pululahua Crater, widely overlooked by tourists! You’ll hike through one of the largest calderas in the world, so roomy that people live there and cultivate crops in its fertile soil. Next, tackle Cuicocha Crater Lake, a sacred place according to Inca legends. This incredible trek circumnavigates a water filled crater, boasting views of Imbabura Volcano and surrounding valleys. Visit Otavalo Market, one of South America’s greatest markets.

This Ecuador tour winds down with a relaxing retreat at the Papallacta Hot Springs resort, located in a serene mountain setting with views of glacier covered Antisana Volcano. Relax in spring fed thermal pools right outside your door, try a hot stone massage, and enjoy the multi temperature plunge pools.  This tour combines adventure, culture, and relaxation and is a great addition to a Galapagos trip!

Trip Features
  • 4 Days
  • $1,495
    Otavalo Market, Papallacta Hot Springs, Cuicocha Crater Lake, Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve

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Trip Extension Itinerary

Andes Crater Hikes & Hotsprings

Embark on a four-day Ecuador tour: hike Pululahua and Cuicocha Craters, explore Otavalo Market, and unwind at Papallacta Hot Springs.


After breakfast head north out of Quito, stopping briefly at the equatorial monument and continuing on to Volcan Pululahua, an extinct volcano surrounded botanical reserve. Crossed by Latitude 0°, thePululahua crater is one of the world’s largest, and you will witness settlements and fields upon fields of crops. Begin this gorgeous hike towards the crater, passing through a variety of unique ecosystems, including mountain cloud forest, myrtle forest and dry acacia forest. This area is home to many bird species, including hummingbirds, mountain tanagers, eagles and hawks. A rewarding crater-side lunch is followed by a picturesque drive to your comfortable hacienda in the Otavalo region. Here, you’ll dine on a delicious dinner, cozy up by the fire, and enjoy a restful night of sleep. (L,D)

Hike Details: Your guide will select today’s hiking route based on your fitness level. | Altitude: from 7,545 ft to 9,720 ft.

The destination for today’s hike is the beautiful Cuicocha Crater Lake. Cuicocha is a crater lake formed in a secondary caldera of the extinct Cotacachi Volcano. Cuicocha means “Lake of the Guinea Pigs,” named for the shape of its two central islets. The lake and surrounding slopes are protected as a nature reserve. At an elevation of 9,800 feet, Cuicocha’s rare ecosystem is a combination of paramo and Andean forest, filled with unique plant species.The path skirts the crater rim, offering stunning views of the lake and three volcanoes, Cotacachi, Mojanda and Imbabura. Next, head to Otavalo’s famed indigenous handicraft market. Whether you are looking to shop for handicrafts or just want to browse, you’ll enjoy the endless variety of colorful blankets, ponchos, sweaters, bags, shirts, tapestries, and tablecloths. Of course, there is much more than just textiles. Other popular handicrafts include paintings, Panama hats, ceramics, leather goods, carvings, and much more. In the late afternoon, return to your hacienda for another relaxing evening. (B,L,D)
Hike Details: Approx – 5.4 miles | Altitude: from 10,300 ft to 11,555 ft.

After two days of big hikes, enjoy a more relaxed pace today. In the morning, head toward the Continental Divide with a quick pit stop at the Quisato equatorial monument. Shaped like star of eight points, this site represents pre-colonial and Incan indigenous beliefs that 0º latitude was the center of time and measurement. Once at Papallacta Hot Springs, enjoy a nice hike to a waterfall and the entrance of the Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve located on the shoulder of the Andes at the Continental Divide. The landscape in this reserve is a mix of endemic highland paramo with patches of cloud forest. Much water is retained in this sponge-like environment, forming the largest water system in the world. Enjoy lunch at the resort followed by free time to relax at this beautiful mountain retreat.  You’ll have access to hot springs at the doorstep of your room, as well as access to the thermal plunge pools in the spa area. After several days of hiking, nothing feels better than a hot stone massage or spa treatment of your choice. Even travelers who say spas aren’t their thing can’t argue that Termas de Papallacta is a great place to relax after this hiking tour! (B,L,D)
Depart Otavalo through the inter-Andean valley, gaining elevation as you climb into the heights of Ecuador’s eastern Andes, reaching the Continental Divide (13,450 feet), a high pass that separates the Pacific and Atlantic watersheds. The setting for today’s hike through the Cayambe-Coca nature reserve is some of the country’s best highland paramo scenery. This is a humid area that is part of the largest hydrological system in the world, and features one of the highest concentrations of lakes in the Andes. The unique paramo ecosystem provides habitat to a host of endemic wildlife, including three deer species, the elusive spectacled bear and the even more elusive Andean condor. The challenging hike is mostly downhill in the direction of the Ecuador Amazon lowlands and ends at the Termas de Papallacta Spa & Resort, your home for tonight. Enjoy the mineral-rich, curative waters of the local natural hot springs before a most relaxing overnight stay. (B,L,D)

Hike Details: Approx – 6.4 miles | Altitude: from 12,165 ft to 14,400 ft.

Today you are free to relax and enjoy the facilities at Papallacta.*  If you’re looking for additional activity, there are nearby hiking options we can arrange.  In the afternoon, you are transferred back to Quito, or to the Quito Airport, depending on your itinerary. (B,L)

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