Run, don’t crawl, for information on our Galapagos Multisport Adventure tour; you won’t want to miss out on a visit to the Giant Tortoise Breeding Center on Isabela Island. 

About the Giant Tortoise Breeding Center on Isabela Island

Home to native Galapagos Giant Tortoises, the breeding center on Isabela Island is dedicated to the breeding and rearing of these endangered creatures. Their work ensures the survival and replacement of populations that were previously lost to volcanic events, hunters, and invasive (non-native) wildlife. 

The center was first launched in 1995 to rescue and rebuild the tortoise population after a major fire on the island. 

Today, 69 adult tortoises are being nurtured and bred, producing approximately 250 hatchlings per year. These hatchlings, from the Cerro Azul and Sierra Negra populations, are released into their natural, historic habitat after five years in the breeding center.

What’s New at Isabela Island’s Breeding Center

Thanks to the Galápagos Conservancy’s generous funding of the “Strengthening the Responsiveness and Management Capacity of the Galápagos National Park Directorate in Protected Areas” project, the breeding center is being revitalized to ensure enhanced protection and care for the giant tortoises.

Phase one improvements, begun in 2020, include:

– Juvenile tortoise pen and incubation system improvements

– Feeding site upgrades

– Access ramp and pool enhancements in the breeding pens

“The Isabela Breeding Center, along with those on Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal Islands, serves as both a conservation tool for the recovery of the most endangered populations and an important contributor to the economy of Galápagos. The center is a popular tourist destination and a beloved spot for local families to visit,” says Washington Tapia, scientist and general director of Galápagos Conservancy

Our Galapagos Multisport Adventure Tour

A land-based excursion of the Galapagos Islands with active and scenic daily tours, and nightly stays at local hotels on 3 of the 4 inhabited islands in the Galapagos archipelago. Explorers will enjoy a range of activities such as biking, hiking, kayaking and snorkelling.

With these land-based tours being nature, landscape, and wildlife-focused, it’s of utmost importance for our team to support and highlight the conservation work done by centers and organizations like the Giant Tortoise Breeding Center on Isabela Island.

“These majestic creatures play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and the delicate ecosystems of Galápagos. However, despite their importance, these tortoises constantly encounter challenges to their survival,” adds the Galapagos Conservancy. 

Uncover Full Trip Details & Itinerary Here

Our Commitment to Sustainability 

Did you know that sustainability extends beyond the preservation of animals and their environments? It also encompasses fostering economic and social prosperity. 

At Southern Explorations, we are committed to ensuring that our tours have a positive impact on the communities we visit. 

This commitment is reflected in our own practices including, but not limited to, choosing locally-operated hotels and accommodations, enjoying independent dining establishments, employing destination-based guides and staff plus actively supporting regional not-for-profit and community organizations. 

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