There’s an old idiom that says the devil is in the details, suggesting the details of a matter are its most problematic aspect. We have little doubt that that’s true as we experience the importance of ensuring all the little things are taken care of as we craft custom-made South America and Central America trips every day. But in our experience, there’s more to be found in the nitty-gritty than simply trouble. In fact, we believe it’s in paying close attention to the particulars that you can elevate any experience.

That’s why we’re precise in providing our guests with a thorough range of accoutrements throughout your Southern Explorations experience in order to ensure you are well served every step of the way.

As soon as you start considering your next exploration, we want to provide you with a selection of opportunities to interact with us and our trips. That’s why we encourage you to reach out to us whichever way suits you best, from email , to conversations over the phone , to our Live Chat capabilities. We’re here to support your trip creation your way the whole way through.

After all, support is something we take seriously throughout your trip, no matter what happens. We recognize the incredible value-add peace-of-mind can provide our guests, which is why we have always taken great pride in our impeccable safety record and emergency action strategy. When travelling with Southern Explorations, you’ll be given an emergency line that you can reach us at 24/7 and our guides are connected to outside services 24 hours a day. No matter what happens out there, we are right there with you every step of the way.

Speaking of peace-of-mind, we’re also adamant about making sure you have everything you need before you travel. As soon as your next trip is booked we provide you with comprehensive information including important information about the destination, recommended restaurants, required and recommended vaccinations, packing lists, and much more.

What’s more, we also make all of this valuable information easily available through our Southern Explorations app . The interactive travel app keeps important travel information organized and available at the touch of a button, even without an internet connection. One of the first of its kind, the Southern Explorations app includes a wealth of useful information, including:

Your personalized trip itinerary
Flight times and booking confirmation numbers
Frequently asked questions about the country and region
Health and safety information
Local and regional weather forecasts
Local restaurant recommendations
Packing lists
Tipping guides

We know it takes a lot of fine-tuning to pull off a fully-realized trip to Latin America. We’ve been absorbed in travel minutiae for years and bring our full range of expertise to ensuring we’ve considered your safety, comfort, well-being, and peace-of-mind at all times.

So, while we encourage you to get lost in the dream of your next adventure, we promise you that we’re here to ensure you’ll never get lost in the details of planning your next adventure.

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