Trip Extension Overview

Travel through the lush highlands of Ecuador to an Andean valley to explore the culturally rich Otavalo region. Shop for colorful weavings and tapestries handcrafted by talented artisans. A local family performs a weaving demonstration, showing how they preserve the traditional craft of their ancestors. Spend the night in a comfortable hacienda with Ecuadorian charm, rich in history. On this exciting two-day Ecuador tour, stop at Quisato, an indigenous equatorial complex, where you’ll straddle the equator. Explore small villages, meet expert craftsmen and see Ecuador’s most beautiful lake. This tour is a great way to explore the Ecuadorian culture and stunning Andean scenery.

Trip Features
  • 2 Days
  • $695
    Otavalo Market, Cuicocha Lake, Andean Villages, Indigenous Markets

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Trip Extension Itinerary

Otavalo Artisan Market

Explore Otavalo’s renowned textile market, witness traditional weaving, visit villages, and experience Ecuador’s scenic beauty.


In the morning, travel north toward Imbabura province enjoying fantastic views of the surrounding mountains. First stop is at Quisato, located at the Equator! Here you will learn about the astronomical knowledge of the pre-Hispanic cultures of the region. Stop in Cayambe to try Bizcochos, a local baked good famous in the area. Then, spend the rest of the day exploring the towns of Peguche, Cotacachi and Otavalo where Ecuador’s indigenous culture and heritage is visible in their famous markets full of colorful textiles, traditional handicrafts, and more. Meet local weavers who share the secrets of their craft that have been passed down for generations. Experience an Andean Music workshop to hear the traditional instrumental and vocal sounds of the Andes. You’ll visit the Otavalo market, one of the most famous markets in South America. Bargain with artisans for colorful weavings and tapestries to take home as souvenirs. Spend the night at a charming hacienda where you will enjoy a delicious dinner and a cozy night’s sleep.

The destination for today’s hike is the beautiful Cuicocha Crater Lake. Cuicocha is a crater lake formed in a secondary caldera of the extinct Cotacachi Volcano. Cuicocha means “Lake of the Guinea Pigs,” named for the shape of its two central islets. The lake and surrounding slopes are protected as a nature reserve. At an elevation of 9,800 feet, Cuicocha’s rare ecosystem is a combination of paramo and Andean forest, filled with unique plant species. The path skirts the crater rim, offering stunning views of the lake and three volcanoes, Cotacachi, Mojanda and Imbabura. PREFER AN EASIER DAY? No problem! We’ll continue to focus on culture as we explore more towns.Visit the village of Peguche, where wool tapestries are made, and San Antonio de Ibarra, known for its woodcarvings. Instead of hiking Cuichocha, toward the end of the day, you’ll stop for a scenic look out and you’ll be able to marvel in the beauty of this lake. Return to Quito in the late afternoon.
Hike Details: Approx – 5.4 miles | Altitude: from 10,300 ft to 11,555 ft.

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