We did. And we can make it happen for you this year. Cap off 2019 right. Relax, get some peace of mind and leave all the details to us this holiday season. From December 22, 2019 to January 3, 2020 we’re going to be exploring Patagonia on one of the more spectacular trips we could conjure.

It’s a 13-day twist on our Luxury Patagonia trip and includes a Christmas Day hike to Mt. Fitz Roy & Laguna de Los Tres with New Year’s celebrations at Tierra Patagonia, one of National Geographic’s Unique Lodges of the World .

This trip of a lifetime begins when you arrive in Buenos Aires on December 22. Our guides will be waiting for you at the airport to take you to your hotel and, should you arrive early, give you a chance to explore the city. A morning flight south from Buenos Aires on December 23 takes you to the near bottom of the continent and the city of El Calafate. From there, the road out to the outstanding Destino Sur hotel gives you the dramatic preview of what’s in store.

Imagine spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day hiking one of the planet’s most striking landscapes. Mt. Torre, Margarita Waterfall, Mirador del Cerro Torre, Laguna Torre, Mt. Fitz Roy, Laguna del Los Tres and Laguna Capri are all on the list across two unforgettable days, followed by a December 26 trip back to El Calafate for a night at Xelena Hotel & Suites .

The lead up to the New Year will have you cruising across Lake Argentino, trekking across Perito Moreno Glacier and journeying to the second piece of this remarkable holiday in a destination that we’re confident needs no introduction: Torres del Paine National Park.

For the next five days you’ve got a Superior Room at the award-winning Tierra Patagonia spa and adventure hotel. From this remote lakeside lodge you’ll explore the Patagonian wilderness, dictate your own daily adventures, feast on Patagonian cuisine – an irresistible mix of hearty stews and delectable grilled dishes – and welcome in 2020 from the shores of Lake Sarmiento.

Don’t just dream about it this year. Welcome the next decade with your trip of a lifetime this holiday season. Call us at 877-784-5400 or email today and join the trip. Starting from $8,740.

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